Creating a page is as simple as clicking the "New Page" button in the menu, setting a title in the text box that appears, and clicking "Create!" Once you create a page, it will be visible in the All Pages list and the menu as a quick link item. You can remove a page from the menu by setting its Parent field to another page or by checking the "Hide Page" box. You can also Edit an existing page by visiting that page and clicking the "Edit" button next to the modified date.
Creating and editing pages both have the same options:
Title & Slug #
While a title is fairly self-explanatory, the Page Slug is the identifier that is used to display the page. Feather Wiki will generate a Page Slug by lower-casing your page's title and replacing all spaces with underscores (_
) and non-letter characters with dashes (-
). If you change your Page Slug to something else, this same replacement process will happen when you save your page, or you can optionally click the "Slugify Title" button to create a slug from the title.
Slugs must be unique across your whole Feather Wiki, and they must be at least 2 characters long (single-character slugs are reserved for Feather Wiki's internal pages).
Page Content #
The large box below the title and slug is a text editor where you can enter the content for your page. As of version 1.5.0, you will see a toggle button to switch between the HTML Rich Text editor and the Markdown editor. When using the HTML Rich Text editor, you will see an additional button below the editor that allows you to see and edit the raw HTML content for the page. Similarly, when using the Markdown editor, a Preview button is available to see what your Markdown will look like when it is loaded on the page.
Both editors have the ability to use Wiki Links by putting the title of a page between 2 brackets
Tags #
You can add arbitrary tags to any page in order to help categorize or otherwise identify them. The "Page Tags" field requires a comma, separated, list of text that will be identified as tags. When you add tags to any page, those tags will appear as a tab in the menu. From the "Tags" tab in the menu, you can view all pages that are tagged with any of the tags specified in the list. Removing a tag from the page and saving the page will remove the page from that tag list. If there are no pages that are using a tag, then the tag will be removed from the Tags list, and if none of your pages have any tags, then the Tags tab will not display in the menu.
Be aware that tags with differenT capitaliZations are identified as separate tags. You can use the "Add Existing Tag" drop-down box to choose a tag that you have already added to another page to make sure you get the spelling and capitalization correct.
Nesting #
Feather Wiki includes the ability to nest pages below other pages to help with organization. The "Parent" drop-down box shows all pages currently on the wiki aside from the current page with the page's title and slug. If your page's Parent field is set to "None," then it will display in the Pages list in the menu. Choosing a page to be the current page's parent will not only collapse it below the parent in the menu's Pages list and show a breadcrumb link above the page title, but it will cause it to display as a nested item underneath that parent page in the All Pages list as well as in a "Sub Pages" list on the parent page itself. Check the Learn page on this wiki for an example of how this looks!
Exclude Page from Menus #
Checking the "Hide Page" checkbox will cause the page to not be displayed in the main menu or in the Sub Pages listing on parent pages. Pages that are hidden from these lists will still be displayed on the "All Pages" list. This is intended to help you tidy up the main menu however you want along with the Page Order section the Wiki Settings page.
Saving & Deleting #
If you've used computer programs before, this should be fairly unsurprising: when you're done editing your page, clicking the "Save" button will finalize your changes and display the result.
Equally unsurprising, the "Cancel" button below "Save" will exit the edit view without saving your changes.
The small, red "Delete" button below the "Cancel" button on the edit screen of a page will ask for confirmation before removing the page from your wiki. If the page you delete is the parent of another page, then any child page will have its "Parent" value set back to "None" to avoid issues with nonexistent pages.
After saving changes or deleting a page, the "Save Wiki" button should be highlighted in red and the message "Wiki has changed!" should display above it to remind you to save your wiki to make your changes permanent.