Feather Wiki

A tiny tool for simple, self-contained wikis!

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Creating a New Wiki

Creating a new Feather Wiki is as simple as opening the freely-available blank Feather Wiki file and clicking the "Save Wiki" button in the menu. Click the "Wiki Settings" link in the menu to edit your Feather Wiki's title and description if you want; if you edit the wiki first, then the file you download will contain the data you entered before clicking the button, otherwise you can simply download a copy of the blank Feather Wiki.

Your web browser should prompt you to save an HTML file, which you can save wherever you want on your computer. Each time you click the "Save Wiki" button, your browser will prompt you to download a new HTML file. You can either save over the first file you downloaded, or you can save it as a new file if you want to keep a history of your changes (see Handling Downloads for possible issues you might run into with different browsers).

If you are planning to publish your wiki to a web host and are saving multiple versions of your wiki, just be sure to keep track of which file is the newest so you upload the most recent version! As of version 1.7.0, you can use the Recent tab to show what date and time the most recent page edits occurred, so you can use this to find the newest file if you don't remember what file name you saved it with.